Category: Uncategorized

Big Shot was recently featured on KLIF radio Click to hear to listen to our feature
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It is easiest to see the results of light painting rather than trying to describe it. Below are examples of past Big Shots.
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Big Shot is excited to share its partners for the upcoming March 23rd project
An event this large would be impossible without collaborations. We want to thank the Jones Foundation for granting the project permission to make the photograph so many months ago. Big Shot is appreciative to all the organizations that have provided help in making this once-in-a-life time photograph possible. Visit the Arlington Camera website by clicking […]
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A special thank you to our newest sponsor, Arlington Camera for their support of the Big Shot Project! Their generous support of the event and the RIT alumni reception inside the stadium will greatly enhance the evening! Visit their website at for all your photography needs in the Arlington area.
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Maybe you would be interested in watching a delightful short video inviting you to attend Big Shot No 28 – Cowboys Stadium
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Big Shot No 28 is a mere 39 days away. Make sure to put March 23rd on the calendar. Things are progressing nicely but there still is much to do. Please LIKE us on the RIT Big Shot Facebook page. We recently had a LOGO for the Arlington event created. Registration is open to the […]
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