Bill DuBois retires from official Big Shot role

As the planning proceeds for Big Shot No 29, a big change has come to this long-standing RIT event. At the conclusion of RIT Big Shot No 28 – Cowboys Stadium, Bill DuBois announced his formal resignation from official Big Shot activities. Bill has been a coordinator since 1987.

Bill DuBois and Big Shot is almost one and the same. At the conclusion of the 1986-87 school year, Bill and Michael Peres were analyzing the successes and failures of their recently completed academic year. While considering the most effective method for the teaching of electronic flash photography and problem solving skills for second year photography students in the RIT Biomedical Photography program, it was decided that a painting with light project might be useful and fun for the following year. The idea was inspired by a project sponsored by the Sylvania Corporation and so was born the RIT Big Shot. Dawn Tower DuBois operated a 4 x 5 camera for that first photograph.

Bill’s contributions from the last 28 years will be sorely missed. Always looking to have fun and be creative, Bill was the “crazy” team member who loved to push the envelope. As an architectural photographer, Bill was keenly aware of architectural elements and how to place emphasis. His spirit and boundless energy allowed Big Shot to evolve from its comfort zone into what it has become in more than a quarter of a century.

There are no words to adequately describe the heartfelt appreciation so many people have for the work Bill contributed to this project. The hours of phone calls, travel, site visits and so much more are his legacy and all required to make Big Shots function. His love for photography made working with him special. Many of the current Big Shot practices are Bill’s suggestions including the blinking light system at the camera. Big Shot wishes Bill a happy retirement and hopes to see him on future projects. He will always be welcome on our team.

May 1987 Bill DuBois and Michael Peres ham it up for an invitation for a student picnic around the time the project was conceived

January 1988, Michael and Bill present a framed enlargement of the December 1987 first Big Shot photograph

The 2 page BPC Bulletin spread from winter quarter 1988 featuring Big Shot No 2 featuring the George Eastman House

The 1992 front page of the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle featuring Bill DuBois on the camera platform featuring
our Big Shot of the Rundell Library

NYC_1999_getting ready
Dan Hickey and Corey Meitchik during our site visit to the Intrepid Air Sea and Space Museum in 1998

Michael Peres, Dawn Tower DuBois and Bill are sworn in as Alamo rangers March 2001

Bill preparing our cameras for the 2007 Croatia Pile Gate Big Shot photograph
Willie Osterman, Dawn Tower DuBois and Bill review plans for RIT Big Shot No 27 of Seabreeze amusement park.fig_14_DSC9454
Ron Goldberg, Bill DuBois, Dawn Tower DuBois, Michael Peres, Scott Saldinger, and Willie Osterman visit Cowboys Stadium June 2012 planning RIT Big Shot No 28.